Dutchess County Divorce Modification Lawyers
Have things changed in your life that require you to change your parenting schedule with your children? New job in another town? New work shift? New relationship? The courts understand that peoples’ lives are often in flux and sometimes turmoil. The divorce judgment that worked so well for both parties several years ago may not work for one or both of your anymore. Often, as kids become teenagers, they request a Judgment Modification that impacts your quality parenting time.
Support Modification Attorney
Although many divorced couples simply work out a modification on their own, it is often advisable to protect your rights by petitioning the court for a formal modification. By officially modifying your judgment, you eliminate the possibility of a he-said-she-said argument in the event of a future dispute. It also gives the non-custodial parent additional leverage in the event the custodial parent decides to petition for a relocation, on the grounds that the original judgment was no longer in practice.
We Represent Parties on Either Side of a Judgment Modification Petition
If it is time to consider a change to your original divorce judgment, talk to an attorney at Stenger, Glass, Hagstrom, Lindars & Iuele LLP . Whether you are seeking a modification, are neutral to the petition by your ex-spouse or disagree with the request, we are ready to offer sound legal advice and representation. We offer a free telephone consultation to discuss your case. When we sit down to discuss your circumstances, we will cover all of your options and evaluate the likelihood that the New York family law judge in your case will agree to the changes.
Free Phone Consultation · We Accept Credit Cards
We understand how emotional and personal your divorce is to you and your family. We promise to treat your case with complete confidentiality, while being responsive and sensitive to your needs and concerns throughout your case. You will work directly with your lawyer, while remaining confident in the knowledge that they will rely on the support and knowledge of a team of experienced family law attorneys located locally in Dutchess County.